White Rabbit Solutions

Custom IT Solutions

Making Technology Work For Small and Medium-Sized Business

Our Products & Services

With over two decades of experience and a strong commitment to excellence, we specialize in providing tailored IT solutions that effectively address the needs of end-users. Our goal is to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of businesses by aligning their technology requirements with long-term solutions.

Technology Consulting & Support

We offer consultation, custom programming, installation, and maintenance for your business technology needs.

Business Process Automation

Reduce manual tasks by connecting your applications, eliminating errors, and creating a seamless workflow

Data Backup & Disaster Recovery

We understand the importance of protecting your data and ensuring that your business operations continue without any disruption.

Network & Information Security

Today’s security landscape is complex and requires a multi-layered approach. We can help your business begin implementing a more effective security strategy today.

Business Networks

Our comprehensive range of products and services covers everything from switches, routers, and firewalls to wireless solutions and remote access options.

Custom Server Configuration

We can design, install, and maintain your server infrastructure, including physical and virtual Windows servers, Storage Area Networks, and high-availability Windows clusters.

Business Computer Equipment

We can help you select the ideal computer equipment for your specific needs as well as providing installation and technical support.

Software & Cloud Solutions

We can help you find the right balance of on-premise infrastructure and cloud-based solutions and help you optimize your software licensing to reduce costs.

We pride ourselves in helping businesses meet their technology goals utilizing industry standard best practices. While we have specific brands that we tend to recommend, we are vendor agnostic with the goal of finding the most cost-effective solutions for each of our customers.

We enjoy automating repetitive tasks that make business processes (including IT configuration and management) easy and consistent, freeing up your internal staff to focus on things that are more important. We have experience implementing more advanced IT infrastructure for businesses who wish to increase redundancy and minimize downtime.

Ready To Get Started?

Schedule your free consultation today.